Atharvaśira Upaniṣad

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

This Upaniṣad belongs to the Atharvaveda. It is also called Atharvaśīra Upaniṣad. It is classified under minor Upaniṣads written in seven sections.

Sections of Atharvaśīra Upaniṣad[edit]

  1. The first section describes the way gods went to the svargaloka (heaven) and their conversation with Rudra. On questioning about him they came to know about him being the primeval Supreme Person. They also knew about his existence in everything that existed. The gods on realizing His supremacy, praised Him with their hands raised in adoration.
  2. The second and the third sections contain their hymns of praise.
  3. The fourth section defines and amplifies some of the epithets used in praising Rudra.
  4. The fifth section contains some well-known ṛiks of the Rigveda and a description of the parts (a, u, m) of Om or Praṇava, including their symbology.
  5. The sixth section contains some well-known mantras of the Rigveda and Kriṣna Yajurveda.
  6. The last section is a eulogy of the results obtained after studying this Upaniṣad.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore