By Swami Harshananda
Bārhaspatya-māna literally means ‘measure of Bṛhaspati’.
The Bārhaspatya-māna is a method of reckoning time in cycles of 60 years.[1] This method is quite common in South India. The sidereal period of Bṛhaspati or planet Jupiter is nearly 112 sidereal years. Hence Jupiter stays roughly for one year in each zodiacal sign, if the calculation is based on mean motion.
This led to the devising of a cycle of 12 Jovian years of about 361 days each. At some period, a five-fold multiple, a cycle of 60 Jovian or Bārhaspatya years, each with a special name suffixed by the word saṅivatsara (= year) came into use. The earliest available evidence points to the 6th century A. D. as found in the inscriptions of the Cālukyan king Maṅgaleśa. The sixty years are mentioned below:
- Prabhava
- Vibhava
- Śukla
- Pramodṅta
- Prajotpatti (Prajāpati)
- Aṅgiras
- Srīmukha
- Bhāva
- Yuvan
- Dhātṛ (Dhātu)
- Īśvara
- Bahudhānya
- Pramāthin
- Vikrama
- Vṛṣan (Viṣu)
- Citrabhānu
- Subhānu (Svabhānu)
- Tāraṇa
- Pārthiva
- Vyaya
- Sarvajit
- Sarvadhārin
- Virodhin
- Vikṛti
- Khara
- Nandana
- Vijaya
- Jaya
- Manmatha
- Durmukha
- Hevilambin (Hemalambin)
- Vilambin
- Vikārin
- Śārvarin
- Plava
- Śubhakṛt
- Śobhakṛt (Śobhana)
- Krodhin
- Viśvāvasu
- Parābhava
- Plavaṅga
- Kīlaka
- Saumya
- Sādhāraṇa
- Virodhikṛt
- Parīdhāvin
- Pramādin
- Ānanda
- Rākṣasa
- Anala
- Piṅgala
- Kālayukta
- Siddhārtha
- Raudra
- Durmati
- Dundubhi
- Rudhi - rodgāra
- Raktākṣa (Raktākṣin)
- Krodhana
- Kṣaya (Akṣaya)
It was believed that the Saṅivatsara names indicated different consequences for the years concerned. Since the Jovian year is only 361 days long, shorter than a solar year by 4 or 5 days, it became necessary to expunge one Jovian year in every 85 or 86 solar years. This is called a ‘Kṣaya-samvatsara.’
- ↑ Suryasiddhānta 14.1-2
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore