Devi Gadgamala stotram

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Devi Khdgamala storam

(The prayer of garland of swords to the goddess)

Translated by


(Here is a great prayer addressed to the great Goddess which protects us from all enemies and dangers like a garland of swords. I am reproducing a part of great introduction from

My humble pranams for the great soul who wrote that introduction.

“1.What is the “Sri Devi Khadgamala Stotram”?

Sri Devi refers to Shakti, the Divine Mother. Khadga means Sword, Mala means Garland, Stotram means a hymn or song of praise. So the Khadgamala Stotram (hereafter, KS) is a hymn to the Divine Mother, which is said to bestow a garland of swords (see FAQ #2, below) upon those who recite it. The KS takes us mentally through the Sri Chakra; i.e. the mystical geometric representation of the Supreme Goddess. This Yantra consists of nine enclosures – each more secret and esoteric than the one before – surrounding a central point, or bindu, in which Devi, the Supreme Goddess (here in Her erotic form as Kameshwari) is joined in coitus with her consort (see FAQ #2, below). As we make our way to the center of Sri Chakra, we pay homage to the 98 yoginis or aspects of Devi (by reciting each of their names) who guard the various “power points” of the charka along the way. We internalize each yogini to become Her; and this prepares us to meet the next yogini on our path – and so on until we reach the center.

2.What is the symbolic meaning of the KS?

'SHAKTI' (Devi) is the Sanskrit word denoting power, or energy – all Energy, whether we perceive it (from our perspective) as positive or negative. (It is the Shakta belief that there is no “positive” or negative energy. Energy is always the Creatrix.) Einstein said that all matter is energy. Shaktism says all energy – that is, everything in and of the three worlds – is all DEVI. SHIVA is Consciousness, and is visualized as Devi’s consort. Consciousness energized by Power = the UNIVERSE. Energy animated by CONSCIOUSNESS also = the UNIVERSE. Love – the desire of SHAKTI and SHIVA to Unite as One – is the essence of all Creation. That why the KS envisions Devi 'IN COITUS' with Her Consort. This implies that SHAKTI (Energy) is fully animated by SHIVA (Consciousness) – She is, in fact, in an eternal state of creative orgasm. That is the cosmic bliss we begin to access through our sadhana (spiritual disciplines). The human sexual impulse is merely a metaphor for the Cosmic Creative Impulse that creates that all we see and do not see. The Stotram is inviting us to ride that wave with Her; in essence, to become Her. The SWORD bestowed upon reciters of the KS symbolizes the power (Energy) that enables us to transcend attachment, enabling Self-Realization. As Sri Amritananda Natha explains, “the Sword [metaphorically] severs the head, separating body from mind. It can be interpreted also as Wisdom – that which separates, categorizes, and classifies. So it is a symbol of Knowledge. Khadgamala is about imagining a garland of synergistic ideas, nourishing and protecting them and putting life into them.”

3.Of all the Shakta recitations, why did you choose to share the KS?

Many people have asked us over the years how to begin a serious Shakta practice – something more advanced and specific than our most basic (and still totally valid) advice, “Just pray to the Mother!” and yet not so complex and time-consuming as to place it beyond the reasonable capacity of an average devotee. The KS is a very advanced, very powerful recitation from the Srividya school of Shaktism – and yet it is totally within the reach of anyone who approaches it in a spirit of serious, sustained devotion and practice.

4.Why should I use it?

Because it condenses a long series of complicated rituals into a very simple, easily achievable recitation/meditation that anyone can learn and hugely benefit from. The full pooja of the Devis of the Sri Chakra takes hours, because at each point we pause and do smaller, detailed poojas. Hence the sages of yore created this KS as an alternative, short-form recitation that is more suitable for the demands and time constrictions of modern life. According to one advanced Srividya upasak who is a member of this group: "All of the sadhana of Srividya can be achieved by the recitation of the Khadgamala. Hours of long ritual compressed to less than half an hour of intense meditation that will give you a ticket on the same plane as the great Srividya Upasakas. Whatever your developmental stage, this is IT." Even those who have not been initiated into Srividya can benefit from the Khadgamala. Stotras are one tool of Srividya upasana that is open to all categories of people. It does not have ritualistic injunctions of dos and don’ts. All you need do is recite; then, by and by, the Devis will become visible and you will feel the bliss of union with the ultimate and as one goes on, the necessary teachers will appear as if from thin air and guide you further (this is the personal experience of many a member of this group).

5.How do I begin?

Simply print out the Khadgamala Stotram as linked from the Shakti Sadhana site, download the MP3 recitation from Devipuram site, and begin reciting it. It’s as easy as that. Listen and read till you know it by heart. Then listen only. Then stop even that. Just contemplate it in your mind.

6.How do I recite the KS?

Sri Amritananda advises, “As you are reciting each name, that yogini’s portion of Sri Chakra should spring up in your imagination. The power comes from intensifying concentration to visualize the form, hear the sound, feel the touch, taste, and smell of the divine perfume of the [yogini] manifesting that part of the ever youthful Goddess. … The Goddess loves fun. She is deeply in love with you, making you Siva.” Don’t worry if your recitation is awkward or your pronunciation is bad. As Sri Amritananda Natha counsels, you should simply dismiss all of those technical concerns for now and simply “begin your journey to Goddess today, no matter how feebly. You can add power and depth as you move along. We are there to help you.” It is said “Bhava grAhI JanArdana (God understands the feeling and intent and does not bother about mistakes.) Also, in your meditation, do not try too hard to concentrate – because you cannot!! Just recite, let the mind wander; let it do whatever it wants. Still the result will come. If one tries to concentrate, the body will become tense and the results will not appear.

7.How often should I use it?

Once a day is ideal. So do it daily; and, if possible, at the same time and same place. But if your circumstances make that kind of commitment difficult or impossible, do not worry! Simply do it when you can. Especially when you are sad and/or facing a problem; just do it and you may well see miracles.

8.What is the effect of using it supposed to be?

One Srividya upasak in our group, who is quite experienced in use of the KS, says, “It’s a hyperplane that will take you anywhere you want (or need) to go.” It clears your doubts and fears, removes your psychic baggage, and prepares your mind and spirit for dramatic spiritual advancement. “It fulfils all wishes, more than you desire, instantly,” adds Sri Amritananda. “Therein lies its power. Regular practice protects you, nourishes you, and takes you beyond.”

9.Is it okay to recite Khadgamala Stotram without a guru?

Yes, it is a stotra and is also a mala mantra (i.e., a mantra with more than 1,000 letters). Keep in mind that the original source document of the Stotram has been lost, to the best of modern knowledge, other than a few stray excerpts that have survived here and there. So injunctions, if any, have also been lost. But the simple fact is that many, many people have recited the KS without injunctions and attained everything. Therefore, it can safely be assumed that there are no negative injunctions.””

Om Asya Sri Suddha Sakti málá mahá mantrasya

Upasthendriya adhisthayi Varunaditya Rishih

Devi Gayatri Chandah

Satvika Kakára bhattaraka pithasthita

Sri mat Kámesveranka nilaya

Sri mat Kámesvari devatá

Aim Bijam, Klim Saktihi, Souh kilakam

Sri Devi prityarthe Khadga siddthyarthe jape viniyogah

To the pure garland of prayers to Goddess Shakthi ,

Which should be worshipped by all sense organs,

The Sage is the rising Sun,

The meter is Gayathri and the goddess presiding is Goddess Kameswari ,

Who exists in the peaceful Kameswara who is sitting on the seat of Kakara Bhattaraka,

The root is Im , the power is kleem , Sopu is the pivot ,

And is being chanted to please the Goddess and getting her sword.

Mola Manthrena Shadanga Nyasam kuryath

Kara Nyasam

(Ritual by hand)

Iym angushtabhyam nama

Kleem Tharjaneebhyaam nama

Sou Madhyamabhyaam nama

Sou anamikabhyam nama

Kleem Kanishtakabhyaam nama

Iym kara thala kara prushtabhyam nama

Iym salutations by the thumb

Kleem salutations by the second finger

Sou salutations by middle finger

Sou salutations by the fourth finger

Kleem salutations by little finger

Iyn saltations by the palm and back of the palm.

Anga Nyasam

Rituals by the limb

Iym hrudayaya nama

Kleem sirase swaha

Sou Shikhayayai voushat

Sou kavachaya hoom

Kleem nethra thrayaya voushat

Iym asthraya phat

Bhoor bhuva suva om ithi dig bandha

Iym salutations by the heart

Kleem saluations by the head

Sou salutations by the hair

Sou Salutations to the armour

Kleem salutations to the three eyes

Iym salutations of te arrow

Boo, V=Bhuva and Suva world, I tie myself with all directions.



Taadrusam Khadgam apnoti Yena hasta sthitena vai

Astadasa Mahadvipa Samrat bhokta bhavisyati

He who makes the sword of her as his and keeps it in his hand,

Would become the emperor of all the islands in all eight directions.

Aarakthabaam trinethram arunima vasanaam , rathna thadanga ramyam,

Hasthambhojai sa pasangusa , madana dhanu sayakair visphuranthim,

Aa peeno thunga vakshoruha kalasa luta thara harai ujjwalangim,

Dhyyedh amboru hasthaam arunima vasanam eesawareem meeswaraanaam.

I meditate the goddess with lotus like hands , who is red in colour,

Who is Goddess of Lord Shiva, who is drenched in blood ,

Who is having three eyes , who is of the colour of rising sun,

Who is pretty with gem studded anklets and who holds in her hand,

The lotus, the rope , the goad and has the bow and arrows of god of love,

Who shines in the garland of gems which are like stars ,

Which is worn over her very ample and elevated breasts.

(Lam ithyadhi Pancha poojam kuryath

Do the five types of worship with Lom etc

Yadha Shakthi moola manthram japeth

Chant the root chant as per our capacity)

Lam prithvyathmikayai sathsangam gandham parikalpayami

Lam to the soul of earth, I offer sandal paste along with other good things.

Ham akakastmikayai indriya nigraham pushpam poojayami

Ham to the soul of ether I offer the flower of the control of my senses.

Yam vayvathmikayai Iyswarga visarjanam dhoopam agrapayami

Yam for the soul of air , I offer the incense of heavenly abandonment

Ram vahnyathmikayai chithkala thath swaroopa dheepam ujjwalayami

Ram to the soul of fire , I offer the light which is the form of the divine crescent.

Vam amrutha rakthathmikayai vasudhadhi shivaavasanam shiva sakthi sthwara swaroopa anandamrutha nivedhyam nivedhayami

Vam for the undying soul of blood I offer the nectar of joy which is the power of Shiva as well as the end of nectar like Shiva.

Sam sarvathmikayai manolaya swaroopa Ananda karpoora neeranjanam sandharsayami

Sam for the soul of everything which has the form merged with mind, I perform the worship of camphor of joy.

Upanishad vag balam thamboolam samarpayami

I offer the Thamboola of the word strength of Upanishads.

Anayaa mayaa yavath chithi panchopachara poojayaa Bhagwathi Bala Tripurasundari maha Kameswari sahitha Sri Guru Parameswara supreetha suprasanna varado bhavathu.

By the performance of worship involving five types of services , let the teacher parameswara with Goddess Bhagawathi , who is Bala, who is the most pretty one of the Tripuras and who is the Goddess of passion become pleased with me , become happy and bless me.

Om Iym hreem sreem iym kleem sou

Iym hreem sreem om Namasthripura Sundari

Salutations to Tripura Sundari , Om Iym hreem sreem iym kleem sou

Iym hreem sreem om

Hrudaya devi, Goddess of heart

Siro devi, Goddess who is at the head

Shikha devi Goddess with flowing hair

Kavacha devi Goddess who is the armour to us

Nethra devi Goddess who as eyes gives us sight

Asthra devi Goddess who like an arrow takes us to our aim

Kameswari Goddess of passion

Bhagamalini Goddess who wears Sun as garland

Nithya klinne Who is always wet with mercy

Bherunde Godess who has a fearful form

Vahni vasini Goddess who lives in fire

Maha Vajreswari Goddess who is like a diamond

Shiva dhoothi Goddess who sent Shiva as emissary

Thwarithe Goddess who is in a hurry

Kula Sundari Goddess who is the prettiest of her clan

Nithye- Goddess who is perennially forever

Neela pathake- Goddess who has a blue flag

Vijaye- Goddess who is victorious

SArva mangale –Goddess who is completely auspicious

Jwala Malini-Goddess whose garlands shine like flame

Chithre-Goddess who is like a picture

Maha nithye-Goddess who is forever and always great

Parameswara Parameswari-The divine Goddess of the divine Lord

Mithresa mayi-Goddess who I pervades as Sun God or Goddess is friendship

Sashteesamayi- Goddess who pervades as Lord Subramanya

Uddesamayi- Goddess who pervades as moon

Charya nadha mayi-Goddess who pervades as right rituals

LOpamudhraa mayi-Goddess who pervades as Lopa Mudhra

Agasthya mayi-Goddess who pervades as sage Agasthya

Kala thapasa mayi- Goddess who pervades penance over ages

Dharmacharya mayi- Goddess who pervades the teachers of Dharma

Muktha kesi- Goddess whose hair falls down freely

Iswara mayi-Goddess who pervades all gods

Deepa kala nadha mayi- Goddess who is like the flame of a lamp and the musical note

Vishnu deva mayi- Goddess who pervades God Vishnu

Prabhakaradeva mayi- Goddess who pervades Sun God

Thejo mayi- Godess who is full of splendorous glitter

Manoja deva mayi- Goddess who pervades God of desire

Kalyana deva mayi- Goddess who pervades God of auspeciousnes

Vasui deva mayi-Goddess who pervades Lord Krishna

Rathna deva mayi- Goddess who pervades God of gems

Ramananda mayi-Goddess who pervades the joy of Rama

Anima Sidhe- Goddess who has the power to become invisible

Laghima sidhe- Goddess who has the power to make body light and fly

Garima Sidhe – Goddess who can make her body as much heavy as she wants

Mahima Sidhe- Goddess who has ability to increase or decrease the size of the body

EEsithwa sidhe- Goddess who has the power to control other beings

Pasithwa sidhe – Goddess who can subjugate all

Prakamya sidhe – Goddess who can realize all her desires

Bhukthi sidhe- Goddess who has the power to eat all that she wants

Icha sidhe- Goddess who has got the power to wish all that she wants

Prapthi sidhe – Godess who can reach any place she wants

Sarva kama Sidhe – Goddess who can make us realize all desires

Brahmi - She who is the power of Brahmsa

Maheswari- She who is the power of Lord Shiva

Kaumari- Goddess who is the power of Lord Subramanya

Vaishnavi- Goddess who is the power of Vishnu

Vaarahi- Goddess who is the power of Lord Varaha

Mahendri- She who is the power of Devendra

Chamundi- She who killed Chanda and Munda

Mahalakshmi- Goddess Lakshmi

Sarva samkshobini- She who shakes everything

Sarva vidhravini – She who melts everything

Sarvakarshani - She who attracts everything

Sarva vashangari – She who kills everything

SArvonmadhini- she who makes every one mad

SArva mahangusa- She who is the great goad to all

Sarva khagechari – She who travels like all birds on the sky

Sarva bheeja- She who is the seed of everything

SArva yoni- She who can generate anything

SArvathrikhanda –She who is in all three parts of the earth

Trilokya mohana- She who can attract all the three worlds,

Chakra swamini- Goddess of Devendra

Prakata yogini- She who is undisguised expert on yoga

Kamakarashini -She who attracts the power of passion

Budhyakashani – She who is attracted by intelligence

Ahankarakashini- She who attracts the power of pride

SAbdhakarshini- She who is attracted by good sound

Sparshakashini- She who is attracted by good touch

Roopakarshini- She who is attracted by good form

Rasakarshini - She who is attracted by good taste

Gandhakarshini- She who is attracted by good smell

Chithakarshini - She who is attracted by a good mind

Dhairyakarshini- She who is attracted by bravery

Smrithyakarshani- She who is attracted by good memory

Namakarshini - She who is attracted by good name

Bheejakarshani- She who is attracted by proper root chants

Athmakarshani- She who attracts the soul

Sareerakarshani- She who is attracts the body

SArvasa pari pooraka chakra swamini- The goddess of the wheel who fulfills all desires

Guptha Yogini- The secret practitioner of Yoga

Ananga kusuma- the flower of the love

Ananga Mekhala – The girdle of love

Ananga Madana- The Goddess of love

Ananga madanathure - The one affected by throes of love

Ananga Rekha- The line of love

Ananga vega – The speed of love ,

Ananga angusa- The goad of love

Ananga Malini- She who wears the garland of love

Sarva samkshobhana chakra swamini- The goddess of the wheel that agitates all

Guptha thara yogini- She who practices very secret yoga

Sarva Samkshobini -She who agitates everything

Sarva vidhravini- She who makes everything liquid

Sarva Aakarshani- She who attracts everything

Sarva Aahladhini- She who makes everyone happy

Sarva sammohini- She who puts everything in stupor

Sarva Sthambini – She who benumbs all

Sarva jrumbini – she who expands everything

Sarva Vashangari- She who makes everyone her own

Sar va Ranjani- She who makes all people happy

Sarvonmodhini- She who makes all mad for her

SArvartha sadhike –She who grants all types of wealth

Sarva sampath purani – She gives all types of riches

Sarva manthra mayi- She who is within all mantras

Sarva dwandhwa kshayankari- She who destroys all duality

Sarva soubhaghya dhayaka Chakra Swamini-The Lord of that Chakra which gives all type of luck.

Sampradaya Yogini-She who practices yoga in a traditional way.

SArva Sidhi pradha- She who grants all occult powers

SArva sampath pradha- She who gives all type of riches

SArva priyangar- She who is dear to all

SArva mangala karini- She who does all auspicious acts

Sarva Kama Pradha- She who fulfills all desires

SArva Dukha vimochini- She who helps to get rid of all sorrows

Sarva mruthyu prasamani- she who avoids deaths

Sarva vighna nivarini0- She who removes all obstacles

Sarvangasundari- She who is pretty from head to foot

SArva Soubhagya Dhayini- She who gives all types of luck

SArvartha sadaka chakra swamini- The Goddess of the wheel who grants all wealth objects

Kulotheerna yogini- She who does yoga that liberates the clan

Sarvajna- She who knows all knowledge

SArva shaktha- She who has all strengths

Sarva aiswarya pradhayini- She who gives all types of wealth

Sarva Jnana mayi- She who has all types of spiritual wisdom

Sarva Vyadhi vinasini- She who destroys all diseases

Sarvadhara swaroopa- She who has a form that is the basis of everything

Sarva papa hara- She who destroys all sins

SArvananda mayi- She who is full of all types of happiness

SArva Raksha swaroopini- She who has a form that protects all

SArvepsitha phala pradha – She who gives all desired results

Sarva Rakshakara chakra swamini - who is the goddess of the wheel which protects all

Nigarbha yogini- The yogini who protects the child in the womb

Vasini- She who controls

Kameswari- She who is the wife of Kameswara(Shiva)

Modhini – She who is full of joy

Vimala – She who is pure

Aruna- She who is of the colur of rising sun

Jayini- She who is victorious

SArveswari- She who is the goddess of all

Koulini- She who was born in a noble family

SArva roga hara chakra swamini - She who is the goddess of the wheel which destroys all diseases

Rahasya yogini- She who does yoga in secret

Banini- She who holds an arrow

Chapini- She who holds the bow

Pasini- She who holds the rope

Angusini- She who holds the goad

Maha Kameswari- She who is the consort of Shiva

Maha Vajreswari- She who is as strong as a diamond

Maha bhaga Malini- She who wears the garland of prosperity

SArva sidhi pradha chakra swamini- The goddess of the wheel that gives rise to all occult powers

Athi Rahasya yogini- She who does yoga in great secret

Sri Sri Maha BHattarika- The supreme queen

Sarvananda maya chakra swamini - The Goddess of the Chakra of all types of happiness

Parama Rahasya yogini – She who does yoga in absolute secret

Tripura - The wife of Lord Shiva or the three states sleeping wakeful and dreaming

Tripuresi- The goddess of the three worlds(states)

Tripura Sundari- The most pretty one in the three worlds(states)

Tripura vasini- She who lives in three worlds(states)

Tripurasree- The riches of the three worlds(states)

Tripura Malini- She who wears the three worlds as garland

Tripura sidhe - She who can make occult powers possible in three worlds

Tripuramba- The mother in these three worlds

Maha Tripura Sundari- The greatest beauty of the three worlds

Maha Maheswari - The great consort of Lord Shiva

Maha Maharajni- The great empress

Maha maha shaktha - She who is greatly powerful

Maha maha guptha- She who is highly hidden

Maha maha jnapthe – She who is the very great memory

Maha maha anande- She who is greatly joyful

Maha maha skandhe- She who is the very great support

Maha mahasaye- She who is the great thought process

Maha maha Sri Chakra nagara SAmragni – She who is the great ruler of the state of Sri chakra

Namasthe ,. Namasthe, namasthe , namaha- salutations, salutations, salutations