Haridāsa, Svāmi
By Swami Harshananda
Haridāsa, Svāmi literally means ‘servant of Hari or Viṣṇu’.
Many great musicians of India of the ancient and the medieval periods were saints. Music was a mode of sādhanā (spiritual practice) and an aspect of Bhaktiyoga to them. One such musician-saint was Svāmī Haridāsa (16th century) who was the guru or teacher of Tānsen, the famous court-musician of Akbar (A. D. 1556-1605).
Not much is known about him. He belonged to the Nimbārka school of Vaiṣṇavism and lived mostly in Vṛndāban. Some devotional songs composed by him are still extant.
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore