Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
We examine the impact of the current colonial-racist discourse around Hindu Dharma on Indians across the world and prove that this discourse causes psychological effects similar to those caused by racism: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a detachment from our cultural heritage.

Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaṇa

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaṇa is one of the nine Brāhmanas of the Sāmaveda available now. It has three prapāṭhakas or prakaraṇas or chapters, known respectively as Krcchra, Atikrcchra and Krcchrātikrcchra. The first two have eight anuvākas[1] each and the last one has nine. Unlike the other works of Vedic literature, this Brāhmaṇa does not deal with sacrifices at all. For the benefit of those who cannot perform Vedic sacrifices to get what they want, it prescribes several kṛcchras or rites of a magical nature using the appropriate sāmans as the mantras. Hence it looks like a fore-runner of several topics dealt with in the later dharmaśāstra and tāntrik literature. These topics can be briefed as:


Anuvāka 1[edit]

  • Creation of the world from Brahmā
  • Praise of sāmans that can grant whatever we want
  • Brief account of yajñas in general

Anuvāka 2[edit]

  • Description of the kṛcchras of various types along with the rules to be followed.

Anuvāka 3[edit]

  • Rules guiding Vedic studies
  • Results of some sacrifices like Pavamāneṣṭi

Anuvāka 4[edit]

Anuvāka 5[edit]

  • Some prāyaścittas or expiations including the sāmans to be chanted

Anuvākas 6, 7 and 8[edit]

Some more expiations for sins like accepting prohibited gifts, killing a cow, selling things which should not be sold, evil dreams and so on.

Atikrcchra Prapāthaka[edit]

Anuvāka 1[edit]

  • Sāmans to be employed for attaining long life
  • Purification of oneself
  • Going to Brahmaloka after death
  • Gaining good health

Anuvākas 2 to 8[edit]

These prescribe the japa of various sāmans for:

  • Destruction of sins
  • For easy and safe delivery of babies
  • For getting a good son
  • For eliminating the evil effects brought about by malignant spirits
  • For removing the effects of poisons
  • For safe pilgrimage
  • For attaining fame or any other desire
  • Etc.

Krcchrātikrcchra Prapāthaka[edit]

All the nine anuvākas deal with the similar topics such as:

  • Sāmans to be used for attaining wealth
  • How to perform vāstuhoma
  • How to discover hidden wealth
  • Means of getting a vision of any deity
  • Means of controlling the minds of others
  • dhana for obtaining mokṣa or liberation

Impression of Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaṇa[edit]

The work traces the paramparā[3] of teaching thus:

  1. Brahmā to Bṛhaspati
  2. Bṛhaspati to Nārada
  3. Nārada to Vyāsa
  4. Vyāsa to Jaimini

Commentaries on Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaṇa[edit]

It has two commentaries:

  1. Vedārthaprakāśa by Sāyaṇa [4]
  2. Padārthamātravivrti by Bharatasvāmin.[5]


  1. Anuvākas means subsections.
  2. This ritual is termed as saptarātrika.
  3. Paramparā means tradition.
  4. He lived in A. D. 1315-1387.
  5. He lived in A. D. 1300.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore