Trilokya Mohana Vishnu Kavacham

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated By P.R.Ramachander

The armour that brings good things to the three worlds. This great prayer has been told by Sage Sanath Kumara to sage Narada and is a part of the book, Narada Pancha rathra.

Narada Uvacha:
Bhagawan Sarva Dharmagna, kavcham yath prakasitham,
Trilokya Mangalam nama krupaya Kadhya prabho., 1

Narada said:
Oh God who follows all Dharma, please make known to me that armour,
Which is known as “The one which does good to three worlds”.

Sanathkumara Uvacha:

Srunu Vakshyami Viprendra, kavacham paramadhbutham,
Narayanena kadhidham krupaya Brahmana pura., 2

Hear Oh, the best of Brahmins, the wonderful armour,
Which was told in olden times by Narayana to Brahma out of mercy.

Brahmana kadhitham mahyam param snehad vadhami they,
Athi guhyatharam thathwam Brahma manthrougha vigraham., 3

I would tell you out of the love this very secret Armour,
Which was told to me by Brahma, which was composed using Brahma mantras.

Yadhruthwa padanath Brahma srushtim vithanuthe druvam,
Yadruthwa patanadh padi maha lakakshmir jagat thrayam., 4

Only by wearing this armour Lord Brahma is doing the job of creation,
Only Wearing this armour Goddess Lakshmi is looking after the three worlds.

Padanath dharana shambu samhartha sarva manthra vid,
Trilokya janani durga mahishadhi mahasuraan., 5

Vardrupthaan jaghanaiva padanth dharanadhyadha,
Evam Indradhaya sarve sarva iswarya mavapnuyu., 6

Reading and wearing this Lord Shiva who knows all mantras destroyed the world,
The mother of the three worlds Durga killed the great Mahishasura and other bad ones,
Who were bloated with pride due to the several boons got by them,
And Indra and others got all sort of wealth by this mantra.

Idham Kavacham athi guhyam kuthrapi no vadeth,
Sishyaya bhakthi yukukthaya sadhakaya prakasayeth., 7

Sataaya para sishyaya dathwa mruthyu mavapnuyat., 8

This armour which is very secret should never be told to any one,
Except own disciples who are with devotion and can become practitioners.
And if this is told to other disciples who are competitive, death would result.

Trilokya mangalasyasya Kvachasya prajapathi,
Rishi, Chandhascha Gayathri, Devo Narayana,
Swayam dharma artha kama moksheshu viniyoga prakeerthitha., 9

For the Armour for the good of all the three worlds the sage is Prajapthi,
The meter is Gayathri, the God addressed is Narayana and this is chanted,
For us getting Dharma, wealth passion and salvation.

Pranavo may sira pathu, namo narayanaya cha,
Phaalam, nethra yugalam ashtarno bhakthi mukthidha., 10

Let “Om” protect my head,
Let “Namo Narayana” protect my forehead,
And let my two eyes be protected by the eight lettered “Om Namo Narayanaya.”

Kleem payad srothra yugmam, chaikakshara sarva mohana,
Kleem Krishnaya sada graanam Govindayethi jihwikam., 11

Let “Kleem” protect both my ears,
Let “Kleem Krishnnaya” protect my nose,
And let “Govindaya” protect my toungue.

Gopi jana pada vallabhaya swahananam mama,
Ashta dasaksharo manthra kandam pathu dasakshara., 12

Let “Gopi Jana Vallabhaya” protect my face,
And the eighteen lettered “Gopi jana vallabhaya swaha” protect my neck,

Gopi jana pada vallabhaya swaha pathu Bhuja dwayam,
Kleem Gloum Kleem Shyamalangaya nama Skandow dasakshara., 13

Let “Gopi jana pada vallabhaya swaha “ protect both my arms,
 And let the ten lettered “ klim gloum klim Shyamalagnaya nama” protect my shoulders.

Kleem Krishna Kleem karou payath Kleem Keishna yangatho aavathu,
Hrudayam bhuvanesana Kleem Krishna Kleem sthanou mama., 14

Let “Kleem Krishna Kleem” protect my hands,
Let “Kleem Krishna” protect my body,
Let the god of the universe protect my heart,
And “Kleem Krishna Kleem” protect my chest.

Gopalayagni jayantham kukshi yugmam sadavathu,
Kleem Krishnaya sada pathu parswa yugmam manuthama., 15

Let “Gopalaya Swaha” protect both my arm pits,
Let “Kleem Krishmaya” protect my both sides.

Krishna govindhakou pathaam smaradhyaou deyuthou manu,
Ashtakshara pathu nabhim, Krishnethi dwayakshara aavathu., 16

Let my navel be protected by eight lettered “Kleem Krishnaya Govindaya”,
And let “Krishna”, the two lettered word protect my back.

Prushtam kleem krushtaka, galam kleem krushtaya dwianthaka,
Sakthini saththam pathu Sreem Hreem Kleem Krishnata dwayam., 17

Ooru sapthakshara payath trayo dasakshara aavathum
Sreem Hreem, Kleem padatho gopi jana vallabha padam Thatha., 18

Bhaya swahethi payum vai kleem Hreem Sreem sada sarnnaka,
Janumi cha sada pathu Hreem, Sreem Kleem cha dasakshara., 19

Let “Kleem Krishna” protect my bones,
Let “Kleem Krishnaya tha tha” protect my energy organs,
Let “Srim Hrim Krishnaya tha tha” the seven lettered mantra protect my thighs,
Let my anus be protected by the thirteen lettered mantra, “Hrim Klim Gopi jana Vallabhaya svaha”
Let my knees be protected by the ten lettered mantra “Klim Hrim Srim”.

Traya dasakshara pathu janghe chakradhyudhayudha,
Ashta dasaksharo Hrim Srim poorvako vimsadarnaka., 20

Let the thirteen letter mantra protect my thighs and let the holy wheel and other weapons,
Be protected by the eighteen lettered manta starting with Hrim Srim.

Sarvangam may sada pathu dwaraka nayako bali,
Namo Bhagawathe paschad Vasudevaya thath param., 21
Tharadhyo dwadasarnoyam prachyaam maam sarva dhavathu,
Srim, Hreem, Kleem chada sannasthu Hreem Kleem, Sreem Shodasarnaka., 22

Gadadhydhayadho Vishnu mam agni disi Rakshthu,
Hreem Sreem Dasaksharo manthro Dakshine maam sadavathu., 23

Let my organs be always by the Lord of dwaraka by the chant of the mantra,
Om namo bhagawade Vasudevaya”
Let me east side be protected always by the twelve letter “Om namo Vasudevaya”,
Let the ten lettered “Hreem, Kleem..” etc and the sixteen lettered “Hreem Kleem “etc
Along with mace wheel all all other weapons protect my south east,
The ten lettered manthra “Hreem Sreem etc” protect my south side.

Tharo namo bhagawathe Rugmani vallabhaya cha,
Swahethi shodasarnoyam nairythyam disi rakshathu., 24

Let the sixteen letter “Om namo Bhagwathe Rukhmani vallabhaya swaha”
Protect my south eastern side.

Kleem hrishi kepa damasaya namo maam varunovathu,
Ashta dasarnna kamantho vayavye maam sadavathu., 25

Let “Klim Hrishikesaya Nama” protect my western side,
Let the eighteen lettered mantra ending with Kama protect my north west side.

Srim maya kama krishnaya Govindaya dwito manu,
Dwadasarnathmako Vishnur uthare maam sadavathu., 26

Let the twelve lettered mantra “ Srim Hrim Kleem Krishnaya,
Govindaya tha tha” which is with Vishnu protect my north side.

Vag bhayam kama Krishnaya Hreem Govindaya Thath param,
Srim gopi jana vallabhanthe bhaya swaha hasthou Thatha,., 27

Dwawisathyaksharo mantro maam Isanye sada vathu,
Kaliyasya phana madhye divyam nruthyam karothi thwam., 28

Let my north east side be protected by the twenty two syllable mantra,
“Aim Kleem Krishnaya Hreem Govindaya Gopi jana vallabhaya,
Ha Sou,”
You do the divine dance in the middle of the hood of Kaliya.,

Namami Devaki puthram nruthya rajanumachyutham,
Dwathrimsyaksharo mantro apyadho maam sarva dhavathu., 29

Kamadevaya Vidhmahe Pushpa Banaya dheemahi,
Thanno ananga prachodhayadesha maam pathu chordwatha., 30

I salute the son of Devaki and Achyutha the king of dancers,
Let my upper part be protected by mantra of thirty two syllables,
“Kamadevaya vidmahe, pushpa vanaya deemahi thanno anagha prachodayath.”

Phala Sruthi

Ithi they kaditham Vipra brahma mantrogha vigraham,
Trilokya Mangalam nama kavacham Brahma roopakam., 31

Oh Brahmin, what I have told you till now is the form of Brahma,
And is known as armour for the betterment of the three worlds.

Brahmna kaditham poorvam, Narayana mukhachatham,
Thava snehaan mayaakhaatham pravakthavyam na kasyachith., 32

Lord Brahma heard it from Narayana and out of liking to you,
I told it to you and you should not tell it to any other.

Gurum pranamya vidhivath Kavacham prapateth thadhaa,
Sakrud dwistir yadha jnanam sa hi sarva thapomaya., 33

By saluting the Guru according to rules, this armour has to be,
Read twice or thrice as much as needed and this will lead you to ascetic nature.

Manthreshu sakaleshwa Desike nathra samsaya,
Satham ashtotharam chaasya purascharya vidhi smrutha., 34

All these mantras are elevating without doubt,
And these can be read one hundred and eight times.

Havanaadhin dasamsena kruthwa thath saadhayeth druvam,
Yadhi syaath sidha kavacho Vishnureva bhaveth swayam., 35

Performing fire sacrifice for one tenth of that, one would definitely achieve,
If one practices thus and becomes an expert in this kavacha, equality to Lord Vishnu.

Mantha sidhir bhaveth thasya purascharya vidhaanatha,
Spardha mudhooya sathatham Lakshmeer Vani vaseth Thatha., 36

If one gets realization of this mantra following the instructions of Guru,
Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswathi would show mercy to him and be with him.

Pushapajalyashtakam dhathwa moolenaiva padeth sukrud,
Dasa varsha sahasrani poojaya phala mapnuyath., 37
If with devotion the text is read after worshipping one hundred times with flowers,
He would get the same result as worshipping for ten thousand years.

Bhoorje vilikhyanguleekaam swarnastham dharayed yadi,
Kande va dakshine bahou sopi Vishnur na samsaya., 38

If anointing is done by the ring finger adorned with gold in streams,
Then without any doubt Vishnu will be in his neck or right hand.

Aswamedha sahasrani Vajapeya sathani cha,
Maha dhaanaani yanaiva pradakshinyam bhuvana sthadha,., 39

He would get the effect of conducting one thousand Aswa medhas,
One hundred Vajapeyas, performing great charities and going round the earth.

Kalaam narhanthi thanyaiva sakrud ucharana Thada,
Kavchasya prasadena Jeevan muktho Bhaven nara., 40

Even if one does not merit it, by properly reading the Kavacha,
The humans will get salvation.

Trilokyam kshobhayathyeva,
Trilokya vijayee bhaveth., 41

Even if all the three worlds are Angry,
He would win over all the three worlds.

Idha, kavacham gnathwa yajedhya purushothamam,
Satha laksham prajaptho api na manthrasya sidhyathi., 42

If this armour is understood and sacrifice done by a great man,
He would not get the same effect by chanting,
Any other Mantra one million times.