Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
In this book, we examine the impact on Indian American children from school textbook narratives about Hinduism and ancient India, highlighting their alignment with colonial-racist discourse. This discourse causes psychological effects similar to those caused by racism: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a detachment from their cultural heritage. The book represents four years of rigorous research and academic peer review, underscoring Hindupedia's dedication to challenging the portrayal of Hindu Dharma in academia.

Sri Gopala Stotram

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
(Redirected from SriGopala Stotram)

Translated by P.R.Ramachander

Naveena neeradha shyamam, neelendivaralochanam,
Vallavee nandanam, Vande krishnam, Gopalaroopinam., 1

Salutations to Krishna in the form of cowherd,
Who is of the black colour of the new cloud,
Who has eyes like the blue lotus,son of Yashodha,

Sphurad barhadhalodhbadha neela kunchita moordhajam,
Kadamba kusumobadha vanamala Vibhooshitham., 2

Who has curly black hair in which peacock feathers are tied,
Who decorates himself by wearing garland of Kadamba flowers,

Ganda mandala samasargichalath kanchana kundalam,
Sthoola muthaphalodaraharadhypthitha vakshasam., 3

Who wears golden ear globes touching his cheeks,
Who wears pearl studded necklace over his chest,

Hemangadhathula kotikireedojwala vigraham.,
Manda marutha samkshobhavathgithambhara sanchayam., 4

Who shines with golden shoulder rings, anklets and crown,
Whose dress is shaken by the slow cooling breeze,

Ruchiroshtaputanyasthavamsee madhra nisswanai,
Lasad gopalikaa chetho mohayantham muhoormuhu., 5

Who with his flute kept close to his very pretty lips,
Keeps on stealing the minds of pretty gopis again and again,

Veellava vadanam bhoja madhupana madhu vratham,
Kshobhayantham manasthasam sasmera panga veekshanai., 6

Who is the bee who steels the honey out of the faces of gopis,
Who makes their mind tumultuous with passion by his look,

Younaod binnadehabhi samsikthabhi parasparam,
Vichitrambharabhooshabhir gopa nareebhiravrutham., 7

Who is surrounded by gopa ladies,
Whose body has changed by youthfulness,
Are dressed with peculiar ornaments and cloths,
And stand in a crowd touching each other,

Prabinnanjana kalindi jala keli kalthsukam,
Yodhayantham kwachid gopan vyaharatham gavam ganam., 8

Who is interested in playing in Kalindi River with its jet black water,
Who playfully fights with gopa lads in some places,
And calls the herd of cows near him in some other places,

Kalindi jala samsarga seethalanila sevithe,
Kadamba padaschaye sthitham vrundavane kwachith., 9

Who sits in a place of Vrundavana which gets cool breeze,
From Kalindi river and which has shades of Kadamba trees,

Rathna bhoodara samlagna rathnaasana parigraham,
Kalpa pada madhyastha hema manda pikagatham., 10

Who sits on the jeweled throne on the top of Meru mountain,
Who has reached the golden stage in the middle of Kadamba trees,

Vasantha kusuma modha surabhee krutha ding mukhe,
Govardhana girou ramye sthitham rasa rasothsakam., 11

Who sits on the Govardhana Mountain which has spring season flowers,
Spreading their perfume on all directions,
Who is interested in rasa leela,

Savyahastha thalanyastha giri varyatha pathrakam,
Gandithagandalonmuktha muktha sara Ghana ghanam., 12

Who holds on his left hand, the mountain like an umbrella,
Who defeated the torrential rain without break sent by Indra,

Venu vadhya manollasakrutha humkara niswanai,
Savathsairanmukhai saswad gorulairabi veekshitham., 13

Who makes the sound of “hum” because of happiness hearing the flute,
Who is being looked at by herds of cow full of calves looking up,

Krishna mevanugayadhbhisthascheshtavasa varthibhi,
Dandapasodhyutha karair gopalair upashobhitham., 14

Who shines by the nearness to Gopa boys who sing his songs.
Who follow all his actions and who hold stick and the rope,

Naradhadhyair munisreshtair veda vedantha paragai,
Preethi susnighdaya vacha sthuyamanam parathparam., 15

And who is the god of gods whose praise is sung sweetly by sages,
Well versed in Vedas and Vedangas like Narada.

Ya yenam chinthaye devam bhakthya samsthouthi manava,
Trisandhyam thasya thushto asou dadathi varameepsitham., 16

Whichever man thinks about and sings the praise of God thus,
During dawn, noon and dusk with devotion would please Him,
And He would grant them all boons requested by them.

Rajavallabhathamethi bhaveth sarva jana priya,
Achala sriyamapnothi sa vagmi jayathe druvam., 17

He would become friends of kings, liked by everybody,
Would get stable wealth and would become an orator.

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